What are nature-based solutions?
Nature-based solutions (NBS) “…are actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage natural or modified terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems which address social, economic and environmental challenges effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human well-being, ecosystem services, resilience and biodiversity benefits.” United Nations Environmental Assembly resolution (UNEP, 2022a)
- Improved use of ecosystems (such as establishment of protected areas and conservation efforts)
- Management approaches for multifunctional ecosystems (such as integrated water resource management and innovative design of agricultural landscapes)
- Creation and management of new ecosystems (such as green roofs, bioswales, restoration of heavily degraded/polluted ecosystems)
- Provisioning services are benefits that are extracted from ecosystems (e.g., water and food supply);
- Regulating services arise from the ability of ecosystems to regulate their physical, biological, chemical and other processes (e.g., air quality, carbon sequestration, flood regulation);
- Cultural services include the non-material benefits provided by nature (e.g., tourism, recreation);
- Supporting services are those sustaining the natural processes and integrity of ecosystems (e.g., pollination, nutrient cycling).
An ecosystem is a “a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.” (The Convention on Biological Diversity (UN, 1992)). Read more: https://biodiversity.europa.eu/europes-biodiversity/ecosystems
Ecosystem services are “the services that an ecosystem supplies and on which humans depend.” Read more: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/glossary/ecosystem-services.html